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Committed to championing the 

cause of regional Australia


Our mission is to raise awareness of issues facing regional communities by championing the cause of regional and rural Australia.


Our Regional Executive Forum (REF) is an Australian-first networking program, bringing together regionally-located CEO’s and Managers from across Victoria.


The REF operates via a series of monthly round table discussions in addition to one on one mentoring led by each chair. Keynote speaking events are also part of the forum's offering.



Champions of the Bush (COTB) is a group of businesses and not-for-profit organisations that operate in regional Australia to facilitate advocacy, networking and mentoring with and for other regional organisations and communities.

Members are both 'Champions' of their communities and industries in their own right, and committed to championing the cause of regional and rural Australia.

Our members have made a major investment in the country, both personally and financially, and are committed to sustainable regional development.


Members share a common concern that society currently undervalues the contributions made to the wealth of our nation by the 30 per cent of Australians who live outside metropolitan areas.

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